Oct 21, 2020Wx Staff Story: Brent DeHut
Some of the members on our Weatherization crews have been with Newcap for a long time. One of those members is Brent DeHut, Weatherization Crew Leader. Brent has been with Newcap for over 34 years!! When asked what advice he would have for others who may be interested in a career in Weatherization, Brent said, “it is a great job if you want to help people.” Brent has quite of bit of training including Lead Safe & Asbestos Training and OSHA Training as well as numerous skills that aid him do the best Weatherization work possible.
Brent’s responsibilities as Crew Leader include making sure Energy efficiency measures such as insulating of attics, sidewalls, and crawlspaces or basements; sealing air leaks; and installing energy saving products such as Energy Star rated light bulbs are all done correctly.
When asked what impact he feel he makes in people’s lives through his job, he said, the measures we take “to fix up their house keeps them comfortable and saves clients money on their energy bills.”
Thank you for your years of dedication to our clients and to Newcap Brent!!
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