Michael’s Story

What does it takes to become a Journeyman Plumber?

Michael had a strong interest in plumbing for many years. It is a high demand occupation that offers financial stability and appealing benefits. Michael’s current employer noticed his drive for excellence and wanted to help him further his career. He is a single father of three, working full-time and the primary provider for his family. He was referred to WIOA by the Apprenticeship District Representative for the State of Wisconsin. Knowing Michael’s financial hardships, he was then referred to the Workforce and Innovation Team also known as WIOA. WIOA services allowed Michael’s employer to support his daytime courses necessary for the program. WIOA was able to not only support his evening classes, but his emotional support, necessary to keep him on track towards his goal. In August of 2019, Michael successfully achieved his Journeyman’s Plumber License. He works in Marinette and Oconto Counties and is the only one of five employees that carries a Journeyman’s card. Michael will perform his job duties under a Master Plumber for the next three years. Once he is eligible, Michael will test for his Master Plumber License. 


What is our WIOA Adult & Dislocated Workers Service Program?

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program assists individuals obtain employment or assistance with additional training to retain or advance the individual’s employment opportunities.

Our WIOA Career Server Specialist work with each client on the following:

  • Provide WIOA and Job Center services orientations to individuals
  • Determine eligibility for individuals referred to the WIOA program
  • Review customer prerequisite for training, including career planning and labor market information
  • Provide training information, assist with training application process including financial aide
  • Create a service strategy to obtain occupational goals with assistance of WIOA services
  • Coordinate and refer to other Job Center partners or community resources for additional services as necessary
  • Provide employment search assistance upon completion of training
  • Provide support services and follow-up services

Learn more about the program here: http://www.newcap.org/program_category/stability/