Chrissy’s Car Success Story
Chrissy is a disabled person who has her own small business to survive. She must supplement her social security to pay her rent. She participates in our food pantry when she feels she needs it. She had purchased a car at an extremely high interest rate and could not keep up with the payments. When she came into Newcap for help, she was feeling completely defeated. We were able to help her return the car and buy a different car. When problems arose with that car, My Garage Program assisted with the repairs.
Chrissy sent us the following letter to thank Newcap for the services that helped her and tell her story:
“I just wanted to take a moment and say something about the programs that are offered through the Oconto Newcap Office and ran by Peggy Zielinski.
I am a life long resident of Oconto (44 years to be exact) and throughout my life, I have found myself in some real struggles. Newcap has alway offered programs that helped with many situations but no one offered programs for disabled or low-income based families to help with vehicle purchasing or repairs. Newcap offers both now: the Work-N-Wheels Program and the My Garage Program. I am very fortunate to have been able to participate in both! After finding and purchasing my 2009 Ford Flex with the Work-N-Wheels Program, the car needed some repairs. Peggy was able to assist me with the My Garage Program which not only saved me money for the labor (as the NWTC students do the work at no charge through this program), but made the payments for the parts affordable enough to get the vehicle back up and running. People like me who are low income and struggle month-to-month need to have programs available to help us in times of need. I honestly would not have been able to afford to take my vehicle to a mechanic to be fixed and been able to make payments at all. Knowing this program is here and available makes life less stressful knowing that IF something happens that it CAN be fixed and keep your vehicle up and running so you can have reliable transportation to work and doctor appointments. I personally, can not possibly thank them enough for having the programs they do to help people like me. Knowing that if further repairs are needed that I have them to turn to. I am grateful beyond works.
Sincerely, Chrissy Trepanier”
About the Work-N-Wheels Program
The Work-N-Wheels Program is designed to help currently employed, income-eligible individuals with assistance in obtaining an affordable, dependable vehicle in order to get to work-related activities. Eligible individuals may receive a no-interest loan for up to $5,000 to purchase a vehicle. Loans are made with a maximum repayment time period of 34 months and payments of $150 per month. A downpayment of 9%-10% is required.
For more information on eligibility or application process, click here:
About the My Garage Program
My Garage: A Community Project is a Newcap stability and self-sufficiency program that provides simple repairs and maintenance on cars owner by elderly, disabled, or low-income resident of Florence, Marinette, and Oconto counties. You can also qualify for this program in Brown and Shawano Counties if you are working low-income resident. Services include tire rotations, fuel pump replacements and simple fixes. The repairs will be done in Wausaukee, Green Bay, or Marinette.
For more information or to find out if you are eligible and for application process, click here:
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