Young Women Double Success Story
zOur Brown County Youth Rapid Re-Housing Program helps lots of single Mother’s who are young, even high school aged. Here are two short success stories of two separate single Mother’s that we aided.
Story 1
“A Youth Rapid Re-Housing participant, still a teenager, was a single mother who had already experienced homelessness multiple times. She was enrolled in Rapid Re-Housing and quickly found an apartment of her own.
After she had a roof over her head and a stable place to sleep every night, she was able to work hard on bettering herself and her situation. As time passed, things began to fall into place for her. Less than size months after being housed, she has been able to secure full-time employment, purchase a vehicle, regain custody of her son, and give birth to a healthy new baby.”
Story 2
“A Youth Rapid Re-Housing participant entered the program before finishing high school. She wanted to graduate and almost had before homelessness disrupted her family’s life.
With the help of Rapid Re-Housing, this participant was able to sign a lease on her first apartment. Soon after, she gained full-time employment, but when her childcare fell through, she realized that she wanted more for her family, and getting her diploma was the key.
Now, just a few months later, she is on track to graduate before the end of the school year. This summer, she plans to cross the stage proudly with her children.”
About the Brown County Youth Rapid Re-Housing Program
The Brown County Youth Rapid Re-Housing Program is funded through the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care and the Department of Housing and Urban Development and can provide up to 24 months of rental assistance. The program will pay 100% of the participant’s first month’s rent. Thereafter, participant contribution toward rent will be 30% of the household’s mostly adjusted gross income, payable directly to the landlord.
This project is subcontracted with Family Services of Northeastern Wisconsin. Family Services will assist in the training and development of the case management and independent living skills for each participant household. Newcap will also perform the housing functions of this program, which will included locating housing, mediating issues/concerns between the landlord and tenant, and assisting the household with sustaining housing.
Eligibility Guidelines
Income limit must be at or below 30% of County Median Income. Learn more about if you may be eligible for this program by filling out our eligibility calculator here.
Application Process
Applicants should contact Newcap’s office for an assessment to determine preliminary eligibility. Once initial eligibility is determined, the applicant is placed on the Prioritization List and offered assistance when an opening becomes available in the program. Applicants are placed on the Prioritization List by their TAY-VI-SPDAT or F-VI-SPDAT score.
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