This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
Financial Capabilities
Assist participants to develop a comprehensive budget to understand their entire financial picture; including the cost to live month to month, to identify all income sources and debt obligations, and to develop a strategy to eliminate debts and achieve their goals.
Counties Served:
- Brown
- Forest
- Florence
- Iron
- Langlade
- Lincoln
- Marathon
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Price
- Shawano
- Vilas
Program Description:
Assist participants to develop a comprehensive budget to understand their entire financial picture; including the cost to live month to month, to identify all income sources and debt obligations, and to develop a strategy to eliminate debts and achieve their goals. This program works in collaboration with Newcap program participants.
Parts of Financial Capabilities Program:
- Budget Counseling
- Foreclosure Intervention Counseling
- Housing Cost Reduction (HCRI) Counseling
- Homebuyer Counseling
- Pre- & Post - Purchase Counseling
- Student Loan Counseling:
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Forest
- Langlade
- Lincoln
- Marathon
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Price
- Shawano
- Vilas
Program Description:
Understand the process of student loan repayment options. What types of student loans do you have? Who holds the student loans? Is consolidation of your student loans an option? Are the loans government or private? What is the difference between them and why is it important?
Eligibility Guidelines:
This program is open to anyone in the Newcap service area on a sliding fee schedule if over 200% of the Federal Poverty level. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Complete intake form and return to Eileen at Newcap by USPS, fax, or email [email protected]
Eligibility Requirements:
Live in the Newcap service area.
Application Process:
Complete intake form and return to Eileen at Newcap by USPS, fax, or email [email protected]
Housing Choice Voucher Program
Provides rental subsidies to low-income families, senior citizens, handicapped, and disabled individuals who reside in rental housing to widen housing opportunities for lower income families by assisting them in obtaining adequate (decent, safe, and sanitary) and affordable housing.
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Forest
- Iron
- Langlade
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Price
- Vilas
Program Description:
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federally funded housing program that provides rental subsidies to low-income families, senior citizens, handicapped, and disabled individuals who reside in rental housing to widen housing opportunities for lower income families by assisting them in obtaining adequate (decent, safe, and sanitary) and affordable housing. This will be accomplished through the utilization of the existing housing stock and by providing rental subsidies to offset the high cost of living.
If the applicant is approved, attendance at an interview/briefing session is required. During the briefing, the tenant is issued a voucher and also given a detailed explanation of the program and their responsibilities. When a tenant has located a unit and the owner accepts the voucher, an inspection is performed to ensure the unit is decent, safe, and sanitary under the Housing Quality Standard regulations.
If the unit passes, the owner and Newcap enter into a Housing Assistance Payment Contract, stating the amount of rental assistance to be paid on behalf of the tenant. The tenant and landlord enter into a lease agreement. The first lease must be 12 months. Each participant and rental unit undergo an annual recertification process.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Family income must be at or below 50% of the County Median Income. Use our eligibility calculator to find our if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
A pre-application form is completed, and families who are deemed eligible are placed on an in-house waiting list for the next available voucher. At the time assistance is offered, the applicant is sent a Tenant Information Packet, Authorization for Release of Information Form, and a list of items to send in to verify their eligibility.
Additional Program Forms:
(print and submit to Newcap Oconto office)
- Tenancy Termination Form
- Change of Address Form
- Move Request
Housing Cost Reduction Initiative (HCRI) Program
Provides assistance to low-income individuals who are in danger of losing their home to foreclosure by helping them catch up on mortgage payments.
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Forest
- Langlade
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Shawano
- Vilas
Program Description:
The Foreclosure Intervention Program provides assistance to low-income individuals who are in danger of losing their home to foreclosure by helping them catch up on mortgage payments and past due property taxes.
For those homeowners who do not meet the eligibility criteria, there is still assistance available in the form of budget counseling, organizing and understanding the materials associated with foreclosure, and communicating with the mortgage company to attempt to work out any possible alternatives to foreclosure.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Family income must be at or below 80% of the County Median Income to qualify for foreclosure intervention; however, budget counseling services are available to all. The homeowner must be behind on their mortgage payments, have the ability to pay their mortgage timely during and after assistance is received; as well as receive ongoing budgeting assistance. The home must pass a housing quality standards inspection. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Applicant must call for a pre-qualification interview and fill out an application if eligible.
For more Info contact:
John Doe
Program Director
[email protected]
My Garage Program: A Community Project
New Start Program
QuickStart Program
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Forest
- Langlade
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Shawano
- Vilas
Program Description:
Eligibility Guidelines:
Must have an annual income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Fill out an online application here.
Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency Program
A voluntary five-year program for families with Section 8 vouchers to aid them in becoming financially independent.
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Forest
- Iron
- Langlade
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Price
- Vilas
Program Description:
The Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a voluntary five-year program for families with Section 8 vouchers. The program helps families become financially independent. The main goal of the program is to help families obtain good jobs and earn enough money so they do not need public cash assistance.
Under the FSS Program, low-income families are guided to opportunities for education, job training, counseling, and other forms of social service assistance, while living in assisted housing, so that they can obtain the education, employment, and the business/social skills necessary for them to become self-sufficient. An individualized plan is developed for each family, determining their goals and what kind(s) of supportive services are needed to meet them.
The housing authority and Newcap, working with other community agencies, assist the family in getting these services. A unique feature of this program is that when a family's earned income goes up, instead of merely reducing the amount of rent assistance they receive, an amount equal to the reduction in assistance is placed in an escrow savings account for the family. If and when the family completes the program, they receive the entire amount in this escrow account, plus interest, to use as they choose.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Family income must be at or below 50% of the County Median Income. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
If you are a current Section 8 participant, contact the Oconto Office.
Steps to Success
Provides individuals with the opportunity to develop new skills or update and enhance current skills while continuing to work, by attending school part-time, as well as receiving individual career plan development assistant and long-term support as individuals work toward their career goals.
Counties Served:
- Brown
- Forest
- Marinette
- Oconto
- Shawano
- Menominee
Program Description:
The Steps to Success Program provides individuals with the opportunity to develop new skills or update and enhance current skills while continuing to work. Individuals attend school to increase their earning potential and explore career options. Newcap will help provide individual, confidential development of a career plan, assist with job skill activities, and provide long-term emotional support as the individual works towards goals. Newcap may assist with education-related expenses (tuition, books, miscellaneous fees, etc.), reimburse for training-related transportation, and/or assist with childcare costs while attending classes.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Clients must be working at least 20 hours per week with income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines established for their household size. The education or training must increase the participants earning potential by at least $3 per hour. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Client must complete a face-to-face application and go through a screening process. Contact the Newcap Oconto office (800-242-7334) for an appointment.
Weatherization Assistance Program
Provides home weatherization assistance services to low-income individuals or families homes by receiving utility assistance through the State of Wisconsin, the U.S. Department of Energy, public benefits, and WHEAP.
Counties and Tribes Served:
- Brown
- Florence
- Forest
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Shawano
- Mole Lake/Sokaogon/Chippewa
- Oneida Nation
- Stockbridge-Munsee
Program Description:
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources. The Wisconsin Weatherization Assistance Program is funded with a combination of state and federal funds including U.S. Department of Energy, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and state Public Benefits funding. The Weatherization Assistance Program helps homeowners and renters reduce energy consumption while increasing comfort in their homes. Weatherization improvements may also make the home’s environment healthier and safer.
Once eligibility has been established, the client will be contacted by one of Newcap’s certified Energy Auditors who will perform a comprehensive energy audit on the home to determine what energy efficiency measures can be done within the scope of the program. Upon completion of the energy audit a Weatherization crew will be scheduled to come to the home to perform the work prescribed by the audit under the careful supervision of a Field Coordinator. Energy efficiency measures may include insulating of attics, sidewalls, and crawlspaces or basements; sealing air leaks; repair or replacing inefficient furnaces or boilers; installing energy saving products such Energy Star rated light bulbs, refrigerators and/or freezers. A sign-off of acceptable work is required from the owner or renter of the property, with quality control performed on a percentage of the completions.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Must have an annual income at or below 60% of the State Median Income Guidelines and have applied for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (Energy Assistance). Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Client may fill out a Request for Weatherization form or call the Oconto office at 1-800-242-7334 or 920-834-4621 and ask to speak with the Weatherization Department.
This Week's Spotlighted Weatherization Assistance Jobs:
WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker Services Program
Assists individuals obtain employment or assistance with additional training to retain or advance the individual's employment opportunities.
Counties Served:
- Florence
- Marinette
- Oconto
Program Description:
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program assists individuals obtain employment or assistance with additional training to retain or advance the individual's employment opportunities. Newcap has WIOA Career Service Specialists located at the Marinette County Job Center, Oconto County Job Center and on a itinerate schedule at the Florence County Job Center.
The responsibilities of the WIOA Career Service Specialists include the following:
- Provide WIOA and Job Center services orientations to individuals
- Determine eligibility for individuals referred to the WIOA program
- Review customer prerequisite for training, including career planning and labor market information
- Provide training information, assist with training application process including financial aide
- Create a service strategy to obtain occupational goals with assistance of WIOA services
- Coordinate and refer to other Job Center partners or community resources for additional services as necessary
- Provide employment search assistance upon completion of training
- Provide support services and follow-up services
Application Process:
The application process varies based on services needed. Contact your local Job Center for additional information.
Job Centers:
- Marinette County Job Center: 1605 University Drive, Marinette, WI 54143. (715) 732-7840
- Oconto County Job Center: 1201 Main Street, Oconto WI 54153. (920) 834-4621
- Niagara Job Center: 705 Washington Avenue, Niagara, WI 54151. (715) 251-1144
Work-N-Wheels Program
Provides help to income-eligible individuals with assistance in obtaining an affordable, dependable vehicle in order to get to work-related activities.
Counties Served:
- Forest
- Florence
- Langlade
- Marinette
- Menominee
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Shawano
- Vilas
Program Description:
The Work-n-Wheels Program is designed to help income-eligible individuals with assistance in obtaining an affordable, dependable vehicle in order to get to work-related activities. Eligible individuals may receive a no-interest loan for up to $5,000 to purchase a vehicle. Loans are made with a maximum repayment time period of 34 months and payments of $150 per month. A downpayment of 9%-10% is required.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Must have an annual income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and vehicle must be required for work-related activities. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Application Process:
Client must fill out an online application and go through a screening process. Fill out online application here.