James’ Success Story
“I have been homeless, on the streets, in the shelters, and in the PATH Support Service Program through NEW Community Homeless Shelter since 2012. Throughout my homelessness, I have been assisted by St. John’s Homeless Shelter, NEW Community Homeless Shelter, Family Services, and lastly Newcap.
In February 2018, I was approved and accepted into Newcap’s Permanent Supportive Housing Program. While I was grateful to have a warm, dry and safe place to stay, it seemed strange and lonely. I mostly just used the living room and bathroom for living areas. As I became more comfortable, I obtained a job, which I still hold today. I moved to a studio apartment, which I really like. My goal is to apply for the studio apartment, hold the lease in my name, and graduate the Newcap program. This will allow a space for another homeless person to get a place to call their own and work toward moving into self-sufficiency. My goal to apply for the apartment is now on hold due to COVID-19 and my hours being cut in half.
My self-esteem has increased, my mental health has gotten better, and I am proud of where I am in my life. I was able to purchase a new bike to get to work, the store, pantries, etc. I pay my program fees/rent each month and am getting better at budgeting. Newcap has been a great help to getting to where I am today!”
Thank you for sharing your Success Story with us James Finendale! We look forward to continuing to work with you to achieve your goal!
About the Permanent Supportive Housing Program
The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program provides long-term housing with supportive services for homeless persons with disabilities by reintegrating chronically homeless and other highly vulnerable homeless families and individuals into the community by addressing their basic needs for housing and providing ongoing support. Newcap holds the lease on the unit and sublets the unit to the program participant. The program participant pays 30% of their monthly adjusted income back to Newcap as occupancy fees.
Eligibility Guidelines: Family must meeds HUD’s definition of homeless and income must be at or below 30% of the County Median Income. Clients must have a disability. Use our eligibility calculator to find out if you may be eligible for this program.
Click here to learn more about this program and about the application process: http://www.newcap.org/newcap_programs/permanent-supportive-housing-program/
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